Sunday, June 5
PatchCon; Comprehensive Strategy Guide Part 2
Getting to know the Teams pt. 2
Imperishable Night Team:
Arcade/Mixed/Endless/100K Mode
- Things to take note of:
Tewi's Luck skill
Reisen's Confuse skill
Eirin's Long-Range Insta-kill
Kaguya's HUGE damage
Fujiwara no Mokou's kamikaze death.
- This team is exceptional in during long-term games, but they start out slow and must be supported with excessive micro.
- If the starting wave is not melee, immediately spam up to ten Reisens. Their confuse skill available from the start will basically make your opponents scatter like ants under rain, making your life that much easier up until the end. If your opponent does start with melee-based mobs, then start the game with up to 5 Mokous.
- Eirin is the nurse of the group. Everybody around her will have increased regeneration rate. This especially benefits Reisen and Tewi because a) Reisen doesn't get hit much because of her confusion skill and b) Tewi has a high-rate dodge at level 3.
- AVOID having Eirin anywhere near Mokou for obvious reasons. Mokou's high health, explosive death and AoE attack makes them excellent mass murderers. Having Eirin near them, in addition to their increased regen rate at level 3, will just drag them down
- Kaguya is the slowest character in the game. Period. Keep her near the bookshelf instead because her extremely high damage and AoE is better for clustered groups of enemies.
- Create a mob of Tewis. They, as a group are broken as fuck for three reasons. One is that their Luck skill also increases their dodge rate, two is that their Luck skill increases the rate that Reisen's confuse skill will work, and on top of all, Tewi's Luck skill will increase the chance of lvl 6 Eirin's long-range OHKO rate.
- Spawnlock: Reisen for Flight, Mokou for Melee, Tewi for Danmaku. Have Eirins support everybody in trouble. Keep Kaguya in one place like the NEET she is.
Boss Rush
- Complicated. Use Tewi and Reisen at the beginning; Tewi as a meat shield and Reisen as the killer (also with her confusion, she's a great boss-killer).
- One you have the money, get lvl 6 Eirins. After that you're pretty much in the money.
Swarm Mode
- Same strategy as Arcade
Thief Mode
- SPAM REISENS AND TEWIS. LEVEL THEM UP. Mokou is useless here and Kaguya's hit delay is ridiculously bad.
- If you have enough money (or you think you have enough), get some lvl 6 Eirins, though this is not recommended.
Surround Mode
- Due to this team's limited mobility, Surround mode is the worst mode for them.
- Again, start out with several Reisens and move onto Tewi, then Eirin. Balance them in numbers and upgrades.
- Get five but not more than five Mokous near the bookshelves to push any stray enemies away from the prize.
- In this mode, Kaguya is useless.
- Surround mode with IN is based on heavy micro. because Tewis have the double job of dealing with melee and danmaku and Eirins have the hard job of running around helping with healing. If you suck at it, pick another team to do Surround Mode with.
TD Mode
- Easiest team to TD with. Just spam Reisens and Eirins and get a few Tewis out. Scatter them. Give one level to Tewi for every two for both Reisen and Eirin. That's it~
Phantasmagoria of Flower View Team
Arcade/Mixed/Endless/100K Mode
- Medicine. She is your bestest friend in this team for three reasons: she is the only first-tier character with a danmaku attack, making her outstandingly spammable; her Poison skill will RAPE enemies with high health; she has HIIIIIIIIIGH magic defense; and her Dolls skill just makes her THAT much more deadly... oh wait was that four reasons? lol
- Start the game with up to ten Medicines unless the first wave is melee, in which case start the game with up to five Ayas.
- Shikieiki is a kind of sniper. She has amazing range and has piercing power (pretty much like Remilia). Keep her near the bookshelves to pick of any daring intruders.
- Enough Aya will rape even a million melee mobs
- Komachi Onozuka is simply THE best tank in the game. She has amazing health growth and has the defenses to boot. To add to that, her starting skill gives her a chance to OHKO. However, unlike Youmu, she has low charging speed.
- Yuuka is simply an EXCELLENT (can't stress that enough, really) danmaku/melee spawnlocker. Her AoE attack right at the very start unsures rape the moment the enemy exits their spawn.
- Spawnlocks: Medicine for Flight, Yuuka for Danmaku/Melee, Aya for Melee.
- Have Komachi support Shiki and fight against bosses.
Boss Rush
- Komachi and Medicine. Need I say more?
Swarm Mode
- Same as Arcade
Thief Mode
- Komachi. Just spam her. Just her, really.
Surround Mode
- This one is different.
- Shiki at the middle and Yuukas and Komachis to guard them. Everyone else here is unnecessary. Balance them out in upgrades but keep Yuuka's numbers higher than Komachi because of AoE
TD Mode
- Spam Aya and Shikieiki. Balance their upgrades. Position Aya near areas where enemies move into (note, into not through) Shiki, all along the center aisle. Everyone else is useless~
Mountain of Faith Team
Arcade/Mixed/Endless/100K Mode
- Kanako is a beast at long range, but she is the WORST unit you can get during the first ten waves. Start the game by getting Akis and Hinas, unless you're fighting range at the first wave in which case start with Nitori.
- Rule of the thumb in this team: there exists such a thing as critical mass for Nitori in which, when reached, basically means rape for anything non-melee.
- Keep Kanako near your bookshelves like most good artillery units do. Surround her with Hinas to prevent them getting reached. This is especially effective because when both are level 3, the former slows down approaching enemies and the latter can stun enemies on hit by chance.
- Sanae is an average flier with no special traits. She does however have a higher regeneration rate by level 3 than most others. Use her for spawnlocking melee mobs, nothing else.
- All-in-all MoF team is nothing too special. Stick with the basics and you'll last.
Boss Rush
Swarm Mode
- Same as Arcade
Thief Mode:
- Hina and Nitori, again...
Surround Mode
- Kanako near the shelves and Hina patrolling around her. Nitori for good measure. Balance their upgrades. Have only up to ten Kanakos.
- In this mode, Nitori and Hina are still your best friends. Just have Kanako for support.
TD Mode
- Now for something different! This team is simply the best team for TD mode!
- Spam Kanako. She is now your main rape team. Gather them near the middle and just witness the pwnage they deliver XD. She also slows down any enemy that comes near her, so ALL THE BETTER!!
- For some good measure, have Nitoris everywhere else, especially the back to pick off whatever Kanako-sama spares.
Next Strategy Guide: Custom Teams and Builds - Keine and Suwako on a team?!
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